About Me

As a little boy growing up in northern Minnesota, I had a strong love of nature. My parents never had to ask where Kevin was because they knew I was in the woods, at the lake, or by the river.

I really enjoyed bringing nature into my home, which included making an impromptu ant colony and collecting spiders and then storing them in a box under my bed.

I think there was even one time when I unsuccessfully tried to hide a squirrel in my closet.

Repeatedly, my animal collection escaped, and frequently I would find myself scurrying through the house trying to find and capture the escapees before my parents found out.

I did not realize it then, but the tricks I learned as a child recapturing and removing insects or wildlife from my home prepared me for my future career in pest removal.

It was not until years later when my wife and I moved to Farmington, Minnesota and purchased a pest infested fixer-upper home that my career in this field really took shape.

The home was infested with termites, rodents of all sorts, and thanks to a small pond a few hundred meters from our home, mosquitoes were a constant concern.

As I successfully removed one infestation after another, I would tell my friends and neighbors about it. They started to hire me to remove unwanted critters from their home. Word-of-mouth spread, and within a year I had a viable business on my hands.

That was 20 years ago.

I love nature, and I have always loved animals and creepy crawly things of all sorts. But I am keenly aware that most people, like my parents, enjoy nature better when it stays outdoors and under control.

If you have any questions ask me via contact form.